Hugh Norris

Company: AESRD
Position: Biodiversity Section Head
Presentation: The Importance of Modelling for Bringing Biodiversity into Land-use Planning
Born and raised in Alberta. BSc from U of C, MSc from U of A. Worked for Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division in the field (SW), HQ, field (Head of Fisheries Mgmt - NE Region), HQ (Head of Fisheries Allocation and Use), then 3 years as the F&W representative on Sustainable Resource Developments Land-use Framework Integration Team, and the last year continuing that work but through F & W. Work in these last four years included particpating in the regional land-use planning processes; and developing the Biodiversity Management System and Biodiversity Management Frameworks.
With very recent reorganization, now the Biodiversity Section Head, Policy Integration Branch, Policy Division, Environment and Sustainable Resource Development.