Water Supply Outlook for Alberta

September 2004

Table 1 Recorded March 1 to August 31, 2004 Natural Runoff Volumes - Milk River Basin (Natural Flows)

2004 Recorded Volumes
March 1 to August 31
Locations Volume in dam3 Volume as a
% of Median
Ranking (lowest to highest)
Milk River at
Western Crossing
19,800** 37 12/72
Milk River
at Milk River
28,300* 30 15/91
Milk River at
Eastern Crossing
41,100* 36 18/91

Note: Click on the site Location to see the Water Supply Forecast graphically

* - Recorded natural volumes are preliminary and subject to change
** Western Crossing data is from 1931-2001

Median and rankings are based on the period 1912 to 2001

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